Friday, March 20, 2020

Best Way to have Better Control and Fast-Track Your Project

If you are one of the many who are very concerned about control over how money is spent on your project and ensure proper spending, there is a way to do it. This decision however, must be made from the outset of your project and this requires you to have a licensed architect working with you, for you to reap the benefits of such a method of executing your project.

The traditional way of executing and delivering a project is through design-bid-build method where the designer or architect is a separate entity that provides the design and documentation only and a winning contractor from a bidding process to take up the construction contract. This method does not give you much of control over your project’s spending due to a separate contracting entity that will only be controlled with the terms of the contract, leaving the contractor to have more control over how to spend your money according only to agreed scope and specifications of the project.

Design-Build Method VS Traditional Design-Bid-Build Method; Project Pacing
The best method for your project if you want greater control and expedite the process of design and construction is that you must select an architect who has the capability of both designing and constructing your project and use the “design-build by administration” service of an architect. This type of service by an architect is a special type of project delivery method that only architects can provide the best outcomes. This way the client-architect collaboration replace the traditional method’s client-architect-contractor adversarial arrangement, where eliminating the third entity (contractor) made the process more simple.

To give you an idea of how this method could apply to you, let me share with you an example of one of my clients who opted for this type of service and how our arrangement was. My clients who were
a couple in their early 40’s had an initial meeting with me and told me that the husband was an OFW and runs an online business while his wife works at a local bank. They told me that they talked to other architects and some engineers, however, they were not having a good sense of these other professionals' proposals which were of the traditional method. They thought that this method seems very confusing to them, that they don’t have much control over the process and are very unsure how their huge sum of money once they hand it to these engineers could exactly be spent. I sense a lot of reluctance from the couple in agreeing to such terms where the engineer or architects are demanding 30% of a couple of million pesos be given upfront even without any detailed design and estimates yet. They didn’t decide to go with these providers and asked around for some other opinions, they told me someone had advised them to get a project manager to manage their project, they think that way they can have more control by hiring a manager that directly reports to them and not have a direct contract with a contractor.

With this context, I immediately recognized that they want an arrangement that they can have direct participation in the process because they were very enthusiastic in sharing their capabilities in talking to material suppliers and arranging purchase orders to get discounts and another business acumen that are viable construction supply chain management and they wanted to have flexibility in choosing finishing materials when the project gets to the finishing part. Once this information was uttered to me, I knew they want a design-build by administration type of service from an architect and when I tried to explain to them what it was and how it fits their desired arrangement, they were overjoyed that there is such a thing and it was to pick an architect such as myself to become their personal and professional architect who could provide that kind of service. What they understood was that I will be paid for my design-build service to be their project designer and manager (although my term was “administrator”) in the form of a negotiated fixed professional fee or fixed monthly salary or combination in contrary to a traditional contractor’s profit or cost-plus type of contract. This means that there is no general contractor and instead they will function as their own general contractor with the financial administration in their total control while my service as an architect is to only administer the project’s technical, human resource, and operational aspects. I will design with them from start to finish and build with them until they are satisfied by letting them kind of rent my know-hows within the duration of the project, everything paid by them.

With this type of service arrangement, the architect’s code of ethics was central together with the client relationship management. They were able to leverage their own know-hows with my own expertise to deliver a fast-paced project and a lot of flexibility in design changes even during construction. The real challenge for this type of arrangement for a client is the investment of their own time to do the financial part of the project management and their close communication with their architect throughout the process, but of course this can also be delegated to other people who are qualified to represent the client if they so choose.

Besides having more financial control and flexibility in change-orders in implementing your project with this method, there are tremendous cost cuts in not hiring more layers of people like the main contractor that acts only like a middle man, without the bidding phase given in a traditional method, you can immediately start construction as soon as possible, expediting the process and saves you time and money.

If you want to learn more about this type of service, contact me so we can arrange an appointment to see if this is the right project delivery method for you.

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