Saturday, February 13, 2021

Needs and Options Review


Congratulations! you are about to embark on mixed emotions of joy, excitement, anxiety, and other heightened feelings through-out your project. Now you are not sure where to start or want to start somewhere so here are your guaranteed first steps.


It is not uncommon for people to know they want to do a building project and have thought about it quite a lot – but just don’t know how best to start.

Or worst, launch into an expensive design service without establishing a relationship or worst still, not carefully establish the groundwork for the project.


“A surgeon wouldn’t operate without proper diagnosis, so… as professionals, we don’t just draw ahead and explore ideas, there are other critical information to look at before getting excited with ideas”

The initial NEEDS AND OPTIONS REVIEW works in the same way, it will allow you to start an exploration designed to precisely understand your unique requirements and potential roadblocks, then gives:

· Findings and Recommendations
· A Plan to move forward
· A timeline and rough Cost Estimate of what to expect


We developed this process while doing some of the most problematic projects that we had over the years. The business and process of designing typically involve a number of groups and a diverse range of people. We saw an issue in these projects of people starting design and construction BEFORE they had fully done their research and homework BEFORE they had critiqued their ideas.

We think this applies to the construction industry. It always happens in residential projects. People are trying to run before they have started walking, most often because many people even without the proper education in design and construction think they know enough and unknowingly becoming arrogant in deciding to or advising others to discount proper planning and hiring professionals. Yes it seems simple, these simple minds make for sophisticated disaster.

The foundations are the most important part of the structure of any building because everything is built on top of it, it’s very expensive to change the foundation once you have started to build upwards. But it’s very easy to change them if they still just lines on paper.

So.. we spend a little more time on the research than other people who rush their clients into designing without proper investigations, diagnostics and come up with the best courses of action to do everything right at the very outset of embarking to design and later build your project.

There are Five important steps in building your project:
  1. Needs and Options Review, the critical first step which this document is trying to advise you to do before anything else.
  2. Schematic Design Phase
  3. Detailed Architectural Design Phase
  4. Construction Documents Phase
  5. Construction Administration Phase
Below, I’ve outlined the first step – what the Needs and Options Review is.


When considering building a new home, a high-level Needs and Options Review with your architect is the critical first step. Why?
  • Obtain a licensed architect’s opinion on the feasibility of the project – one who is experienced in the type of project that you now want to work on.
  • Produce an outline brief that provides the “DNA” for future work.
  • Discuss the “look and feel” of a potential scheme.
  • Prepare a sketch of a possible layout option.
  • Provide a preliminary program of the timeline.
  • Provide rough estimates ranging from bare finish to top quality finish.
  • Provide options on ways to construct or get the best price quotations from contractors.
  • Provide advice and assistance in applying for permits and funding requests.

A surgeon wouldn’t operate without a proper diagnosis. Prescription without a diagnostics is malpractice. My initial Needs and Options Review works the same way.

It starts a strategy designed to precisely understand your situational requirements, make expert analysis and report findings and recommendations, and a plan to move forward with rough estimates and probable timeline to consider for budgeting your scheduling decisions.

What do you get?

Phase I: Initial Project Inspection, Investigation, and Discussion  = Minimum 2,500 peso for travel costs
  • Meet on-site and Discuss
  • Document site investigation
Phase II: Layout Options Sketches PRICE = Minimum 2,500 peso for On-site or In-person sketches & advice

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